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Circular marble seal which, before its demolition, was placed on a column of the gate in front of the square of the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Carita'. It shows 5 crosses on the profile of a hill, perhaps Calvary. Its origin and date of creation are not certain. It is probably a testimony to a mission held by the Redemptorist Fathers in the 19th or 20th century. The five Crosses was in fact one of the symbols that they used and left during their missions in the towns in the Neapolitan hinterland together with the (single) wooden crosses with the symbols of the Passion that can still be found in Moschiano and in the various towns of the wall. The five crosses perhaps symbolize the 5 wounds of Jesus on the cross or the five painful mysteries: I the Agony of Jesus in Gethsemane, II the Flagellation, III the Crowning with thorns, IV the Ascent to Calvary of Jesus loaded of the Cross, V the Crucifixion and Death of Jesus. Examples of this type but in the form of wooden crosses can also be found in other locations such as Giugliano and Francavilla. Since the 1980s the seal has been placed side of the icon of the Madonna della Carita built at the beginning of the road that leads to the Sanctuary in the Capomoschiano district. To find out more about the missions of the Redemptorist Fathers, we recommend reading a 1985 document byGiuseppe Orlandi - The Redemptorist mission in Italy - From 18th century to the present day. -

Marble seal

SKU: 2300079
  • Parish of Maria SS della Carita'

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